
Showing posts from August, 2019

Navaratri: Celebrating the Goddess

Worship of the feminine is something that sets Hinduism apart from monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam. In ancient times, worship of the Mother goddess was widely prevalent, but as patriarchy took root, this disappeared. Today, only Hinduism gives pride of place to female divinities who even have their own temples, and rituals specific to each region. For instance, in Tamil Nadu, we have the Amman temples and in Kerala we have the Bhagavati Seva rituals and Devi temples dedicated to the Goddess. Indian art too has always celebrated the divine feminine, be it in the verses of Ilango Adigal (Silappathikaram) or the rock cut sculptures at Ajanta and Ellora. Sublime theologies of the Goddess are part of Hindu philosophy as well. For instance, in Shakta theology, supreme divinity, power over creation, speech, mind, nature, liberation and even the universe is attributed to Devi, the Goddess, who is regarded as more powerful than the supreme gods, Shiva, Vishnu, Bra

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope September 2019

General:  September is a good month for you. Being brisk and positive will bring enthusiasm to all spheres. Guide the people who ask for your advice, though they may not follow it properly. Financial position may not show favorable results. The professional front may require hard work. Social life will not be enjoyable, as you have only a few occasions to go out. Domestic life will sail smoothly as usual. Financial support from kith and kin will also be very positive. The friendly atmosphere should be maintained to enhance positivity. Aquarians check out what AstroVed’s  Aquarius Monthly Horoscope  has for you in their list. Love Relationship:  Love life will be very normal this month. Your partner will be supportive this month. Domestic life also sails smoothly. It is important to render support and attention to important family matters. The marriage alliance selected by your parents will not be liked by you. Divine Technique for Marital Harmony : Mercury Pooja Finan

Difference Between Western and Vedic Astrology

The most important difference between Vedic and Western lies in the choice of Zodiac. In Western astrology, the Tropical Zodiac is used while Vedic astrologers use the Sidereal Zodiac. Western astrology uses planets in signs extensively, but Vedic astrology uses signs in a different manner. The House System Modern Western astrologers mostly use one of the many house systems in which the degree of the Ascendant is placed as the beginning of the First House, with either equally- or unequally-sized houses. Vedic astrologers, however, use Whole Sign Houses. The Ascendant can come anywhere in the First House, and each house comprises only one sign. Many also tend to use Bhava/Shri Pati houses for a part of their work. Rulerships of Planets and Signs Western astrologers use all the major planets, including Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. They also attribute rulership of Aquarius to Uranus, Scorpio to Pluto and Pisces to Neptune. However, Vedic astrologers use the visible

September all Inclusive Deals | Deal Of The Day | AstroVed Offers

September All Inclusive Deals - Get Best Offers from AstroVed on Personalized Individual Fire Labs, Special Events, Emergency Karma Clinic, Vedic Astrology Services, Nadi Astrology and Energized Products

Leo Monthly Horoscope – September 2019

General: September is going to be an excellent month for you in all spheres. All your intentions will be fulfilled. You will use your intelligence to tackle most of the issues. Your acumen and intelligence will make you take big decisions in life. It is a good time to buy fixed assets. Clearing debts will be positive during this period. Your interest in social service will bring a lot of satisfaction in your life. Tours and trips with family members are indicated. Kith and kin will be supportive and appreciate your help rendered in the past. Your health will also be good during this month. leo monthly horoscope Love Relationship: September leo horoscope promises a smooth and normal life. Good support is indicated by everyone around you. Couples will have a pleasant time and they can enjoy domestic life peacefully. You may get new proposals which not seem to be right for you. You may postpone some plans pending further clarifications from them. Divine Technique for M

Difference Between Astrology And Horoscopes

From ancient times, observing the heavens has been a favorite preoccupation of humanity. Astrology is probably the most ancient system of cosmic wisdom that connects all life, creation, man, and the universe. Astronomy and astrology are closely linked; one could call them twin sisters. Astronomy is the structure from which astrology evolved. Astrology studies how celestial objects like stars and planets influence human lives. The position of the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets at the time of a person's birth is believed to determine their personality, influence their love relationships and financial fortunes, etc. For most people, their notion of astrology is their "sun sign," which is one of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. This is called sun-sign astrology, the astrology which is featured in newspapers. It is an elementary form because only the date of someone's birthday is required to create a sun-sign horoscope. Even astrologers say that this form of astr

How Accurate are Daily Horoscopes?

The birth of the daily horoscope It was in 1938 that the first newspaper horoscope column was written - soon after the birth of Princess Margaret in England. Richard Harold Naylor, (1889-1952), who was then the assistant to the society astrologer Cheiro, was requested by the Sunday Express newspaper to come up with some predictions based on the princess' birth chart. Not only did he oblige, but he also came up with forecasts for those born on each day of that month. The response of the public was rather enthusiastic, and thus, the horoscope column was born and became a staple of daily newspapers, tabloids and women's magazines. Basing the column on Sun Signs was a practical idea as the Sun journeys through the zodiac for a month or 30 -31 days every year. This meant that people could easily find their Sun Signs if they knew their date of birth. The Sun is one of the most important elements in a person's horoscope, whether one follows Western or Vedic astrolo