Leo Monthly Horoscope – September 2019

General: September is going to be an excellent month for you in all spheres. All your intentions will be fulfilled. You will use your intelligence to tackle most of the issues. Your acumen and intelligence will make you take big decisions in life. It is a good time to buy fixed assets. Clearing debts will be positive during this period. Your interest in social service will bring a lot of satisfaction in your life. Tours and trips with family members are indicated. Kith and kin will be supportive and appreciate your help rendered in the past. Your health will also be good during this month.
leo monthly horoscope
leo monthly horoscope

Love Relationship: September leo horoscope promises a smooth and normal life. Good support is indicated by everyone around you. Couples will have a pleasant time and they can enjoy domestic life peacefully. You may get new proposals which not seem to be right for you. You may postpone some plans pending further clarifications from them.

Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Jupiter Pooja

Finance: September will prove positive and boosts your finance. Your planning and execution will bring you success. Caution should be exercised while spending. Avoid spending on luxury. It is a good time to stop spending and start saving. It is a good time to start planning for your future.

Divine Technique to Improve Financial Status: Mercury Pooja

Career: Career sector will see slow and steady progress. You will have a cordial interaction with your colleagues. You will be respected in your work. You will complete your assignments on time. Work-related travels are indicated which proves positive and successful.

Divine Technique for Career Progress: Saturn Pooja

Business: Entrepreneurs will succeed this month. Your confidence will make you succeed in all your endeavors. You will show an improved performance in all your pursuits. Partnerships in business will likely give great results. Hard work and determination will yield good results.

Professionals: Professionals will feel challenges this month. This is a month to exercise more caution to complete your tasks and execute it well before your deadlines.

Health: Health will enjoy great progress this month. Health will improve and you would recover from your ailments. September will be a good month and you will be energetic, active and healthy.

Divine Technique for Healthy Living: Lord Vaidhyanatha Pooja

Student: Students will enjoy a good period this September. You will show more interest in your education. You will join the preferred courses. Many students will get scholarships and other financial support to complete their higher education.

Check out what AstroVed’s Leo Monthly Horoscope has for you this month.

Divine Technique to Perform Well in Your Academics: Goddess Saraswati Pooja

Auspicious dates: 1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,13,16,17,19,20,21,24,25,26,27,30.

Inauspicious dates: 2,6,7,12,14,15,16,18,22,23,28,29.


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