Tips To Celebrate Diwali Safely - AstroVed

Introduction: Diwali, the ‘festival of lights’ is one of the biggest celebrations across the world. It is celebrated with enthusiasm by people of all ages. The festival features fun, food and frolic. This is one of the festivals which symbolizes the victory of Good over Evil. Many people have the custom of lighting the entire house with earthen lamps. It is important to celebrate the festival happily, at the same time very safely as there is the risk of fire.
how to celebrate diwali safely
Tips to celebrate safe Diwali

It is important to keep many things in mind to have a safe and happy festival:
Dresses: Wear cotton dresses and cover the feet with footwear. Synthetic dresses catch fire easily. It is better to wear an old dress, rather than a new dress, as sparks from the fire may make small holes in the dress.
Fire Extinguisher: Keep a bucket of sand and water near the place where people are bursting crackers, to keep the fire away. Many families would also have a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Many accidents are known to happen while bursting crackers, or due to the lighted lamps kept in the house. Caution should be exercised.
Buy authentic crackers: It is important to buy crackers that are from reliable shops, vendors and distributors. Care should be taken when bursting the crackers. Avoid throwing them on small animals as it can injure them badly. It is important to be sensitive to small animals. Loud crackers should not be used as they traumatize animals.
Be Sensitive: Crackers cause air and noise pollution, hence it is important to avoid bursting them near hospitals or crowded public places. Diwali Celebrations should not be a reason for causing discomfort to others.
Disposing of the Crackers: Once the cracker is completely burnt, collect them and dispose of them safely. Crackers that are not properly disposed of can cause accidents.
Control and Educate Children: Supervise the kids if they are playing with crackers. They should be taught to play safely with them. Once the crackers are burst, it is important to dispose of them safely and clean the roads.
First Aid Kit: It is always important to have a set of bandages, creams and lotions to give first aid. People may be injured while cooking or bursting crackers.
Candles and earthen lamps: People decorate the house with a lot of lamps and candles. Care should be taken so that the candles do not cause accidents or fires.
Pet Safety: Loud noise and smoke disturb pets. They can be traumatized so be sensitive to their needs and don’t expose them to loud noise.
Spread Awareness: While it is important to celebrate festivals, the safety factor is also very important. It is the duty of everyone to ensure that people are not harmed during the celebrations. Sensitize people on how to celebrate the Diwali festival happily and safely.
Conclusion: Let the happiness spread and the festivity grow. While celebrating the festival, it is important to be highly cautious and safe.


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