Tarpana or Tarpanam ceremony is a sacred Vedic ritual, where the ancestors and divine entities are appeased by giving them food, drink, and special prayers. Tarpanam also refers to Argya, which means ‘offerings to Gods, Demi-Gods, and ancestors.’ It is often a concoction of substances like water, milk, sugar, saffron, cardamom, and camphor, which is a particular offering to the Gods. “Tilatarpanam” involves libations, offered to the departed ancestors. After leaving the earth, the departed souls reach the “Pitruloka” and live there for a specific period in their astral bodies. In this state, they only depend upon the offerings of their descendants made on earth for them. Performing the Tilatarpanam ritual can supply the ancestors with the essential nutrients they need to live in the Pitruloka. Any defaults in this regard would invite Pitru Dosha and would be considered one of the curses that anyone could invoke in their lifetime. If the souls of the departed are in a state of...
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